Traditionally, spring cleaning means cracking our windows, dusting, mopping, and vacuuming, but this spring consider taking a few minutes to “clean” your digital life.
Here are a few tips that will help you stay safe against cyber-attacks and protect your business and personal data all year around.
- Keep a clean machine: Ensure all software on internet-connected devices is up to date to reduce risk of infection from malware.
- Lock down your login: Simple usernames and passwords are not sufficient to protect key accounts such as email, banking and social media. Fortify your online accounts by enabling the strongest authentication tools available, such as two-factor authentication and one-time codes through your mobile device.
- De-clutter your mobile device: Delete unused apps and keep others current, which includes your mobile device operating system.
- Do a digital file purge: Perform a thorough review of your online files. This includes deleting emails you do not need and unsubscribing to emails you no longer need to receive. You should also back up any important data to a secure cloud site or hard drive where it can be safely stored.
- Clear old browser data: Many web browsers can store passwords or have autofill settings. Over time the data stored by the browser accumulates, and is not a secure place to store your login information. Take some time to review your browser settings, clear old data, and ensure your browser’s security settings are keeping you safe.