Beginning with Firefox version 52, support for NPAPI plugins has ended, except for Adobe Flash. Plug-ins such as Java, Microsoft Silverlight and Adobe Acrobat will no longer load in the Firefox browser. Over the past few years, Firefox has implemented various Web APIs to replace the functionality of the retired plug-ins. For most users, there will not be a noticeable change when browsing. According to Mozilla, this change will improve the browsing experience by making the browser faster, more secure and less likely to crash.
How does this update affect Pace Users?
This change poses a challenge for Pace applications which require the use of Java, such as Banner INB. At this time, our recommendation to Banner INB users is to use Internet Explorer 11 or higher. Banner Self Service is not affected. ITS will continue to monitor any issues associated with this change and we will communicate any related updates in the future.For additional updates and information visit our Supported Software website.