New Blackboard Login Page
The new Blackboard login page has a brand new look and updated layout. While users will notice a new look, other Blackboard features will remain unchanged. The new login screen is part of an effort to simplify user access to Blackboard information, news, and helpful resources. For important announcements, timely messages will appear underneath the login button.
New Blackboard Ally

Have you ever opened a file in your course that was difficult to read, or you wish was available in a different format? Starting this Fall 2018, Pace University has integrated Blackboard Ally into all Blackboard courses. Blackboard Ally is a tool which offers course materials in various formats to make content easily accessible to all kinds of learners.  Alternative formats aren’t just for a select group of students- they benefit everyone. For example, reading through a lot of course material can contribute to eye strain, or maybe you learn best from listening to content read aloud. With Ally, you can listen to an audio format of the file your instructor has uploaded instead of reading it traditionally.

How can I access the alternative formats?
Find a file your instructor attached to your course. Select the menu beside it and select “Alternative formats”. Choose the version that is best for your needs!

Using Kaltura (My Media) for Uploading Videos to Blackboard
Please remember that video content should not be uploaded to Blackboard directly. It should be uploaded to Kaltura, then brought into Blackboard using the Mashups tool.   
If you need assistance, please contact the Office of Academic Technology at or call us at 212-346-1661 or 914-773-3664.