All current students and soon-to-be graduates should be aware of student loan forgiveness scams. To avoid becoming a victim, be diligent and know some of the telltale signs of such scams. Fraudsters may attempt to contact you using a variety of methods including, phone calls, emails, texts, social media, or standard mail.
- Be wary if you have to pay upfront fees or recurring monthly charges.
- Be cautious of any company that promises immediate loan forgiveness.
- Be careful of individuals who pressure you to sign up immediately, or ask for personally-identifiable information such as a Social Security number or credit card information.
- Carefully scrutinize advertisements that may appear on social media or ads that are displayed as a part of search results.
- If you are unsure of a claim, please pause and seek guidance from a trusted party.
Get information on how to avoid loan scams and view a listing of legitimate student loan forgiveness programs.
If you encounter a loan scam, please report it to the proper authorities via the links below.