During the past year, the 4th, 5th, and 6th floors at 1 Pace Plaza (Civic Building) on the NYC campus were completely renovated and brand-new classrooms were constructed. As part of this major project, Information Technology Services (ITS) introduced state of the art technology in these classroom spaces, including interactive TV screens and board capture, plus flexible furniture which allows for a number of active learning configurations. By leveraging these new technologies, faculty and students can achieve a higher level of teaching and learning which improves pedagogy for all.

For more information on the technology in the classroom spaces and/or training, please reach out to Educational Media at EdMediaHelp@pace.edu.

To view online tutorials for the technology in any of these classrooms, please go to www.pace.edu/ITSelfHelp and in the search box type “civic”. A preliminary list of results should auto-populate, but you can click “See more results for ‘civic’” at the bottom of the list to display the full list of classrooms.