Information Technology Services (ITS) added some updates to the Apps, Download, & Account Management page (ADAM) page. Through ADAM, you can activate your MyPace Portal Account, Change, Unlock, or Reset your Password, access Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus subscription, and more!  To view a list of the software available for you to download, please visit the Apps, Downloads, & Account Management (ADAM) site.

Check out the latest updates to the ADAM site below:


Information Technology Services (ITS) Updated the NVivo page to include license renewal information. The qualitative data analysis software is used to organize and analyze non-numerical or unstructured data; such as text, audio, video, and image data. NVIVO’s tools allow users to classify, sort/arrange information, and examine relationships and patterns in data collected through various research methodologies, including (but not limited to) interviews, focus groups, surveys, social media, and journal articles. For more information, click here: NVIVO

Virtual Private Network (VPN):

The Virtual Private Network (VPN) provides a secure (encrypted) connection to the University network from off-campus allowing University resources, which would normally be available only on campus, to be available to Pace Students, faculty and staff when off campus. For more information, click here: Virtual Private Network (VPN)