A more interactive and detailed campus map is now under construction on the Pace Mobile app in the “Campus Life” section. This new map is designed to make it easier for Pace members to find specific locations, buildings, and departments on any of our main campuses. It also includes a list of focused categories like Student Services, Classrooms, and Accessibility Entrances to help you narrow down your search and find your desired information faster.

More locations are still being added and updated across the New York City, Pleasantville and White Plains campuses and the completed version is scheduled to be published soon. But you can check out our progress now by opening the Pace Mobile app on your device and checking under the “Campus Life” section.

Don’t have the app yet? You can visit the Pace Mobile App page to learn more and download a copy!

Have any feedback or suggestions? We welcome your input! Please give us your feedback or suggestions via the Mobile App Support Request form (MyPace credentials and Duo passcode required).

With the new and improved Campus Map, you’ll be able to get around campus like a pro!