It is important for you to be aware of the laws and policies concerning the use of copyrighted material, especially digital material – music, movies, software, etc. As part of our commitment to raise awareness on these and other issues concerning your online safety, and as required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), we want to remind you of a few things.
All users of Pace University’s Information Technology equipment and services, including University provided network and Internet access, are required to abide by, and comply with, all state and federal laws governing copyrights and trademarks, as well as other applicable state and federal laws, and applicable University policies.
The use of copyrighted material may require the permission of the copyright owner. The absence of a copyright notice or symbol on a work does not denote a lack of copyright. Copyrighted works can include, but are not limited to, text, graphics, music, and photographs. We would like to remind you that Pace University’s Copyright, Peer to Peer (P2P), and Illegal File Sharing Policy expressly forbids the sharing or serving of copyrighted material without the proper consent of the author.
There are many alternatives to illegal file sharing and downloading. You can see a list of legal sources of online content for more information.
Many organizations monitor copyright infringements on the Internet. If the University is notified or independently learns that you have infringed on a copyright while using the University’s network, then you may be subject to a range of penalties. Such penalties include restriction or loss of University network access, disciplinary action through the Dean for Students Office, and possibly civil and criminal penalties as detailed in the Summary below.
To review the information about HEOA requirements, the University’s policies and your responsibilities, please visit:
- University’s Copyright Policy
- HEOA Peer to Peer Filing Sharing Requirements
- IT Appropriate Use Policy
QUESTIONS? Please contact ITS Help Desk:
- Phone: (914) 773-3333
- Email:
- Online: